What happens when frantic maximizing meets a slow walking child? You compromise and walk slow with the child

Yesterday, I went walking at lunch with my two littlest kiddos (four and eleven months). I felt the pull to move faster because I only had an hour to eat, exercise, and spend time with my kids until the next meeting started. I was on the clock (like I always am). I was hoping to multi-task (like I always do) and knock out some exercise while pushing the baby and talking with my four year old. The thing is, my four year old was not walking at an acceptable pace or pushing the stroller with enough force to get it over the tree roots and sand. But before I had a chance to just take over and tell him to keep up with me, I stopped.

Motherhood and Entrepreneurship: How to Manage These 2 Life Changes at Once

As women, we aspire for many things. Taking control of our own financial freedom and starting a family often top this list. Typically, we don’t do them at the same time, but when we do, we put ourselves on the springboard to be in a greater place than we could have imagined. Is it easy? Not a chance. Is it worth it? Completely.

Going Back to School as a Stay-at-Home Parent

You are a stay-at-home parent who helps to get back into the workforce or launch your own company. And you need to expand your knowledge and skill set beforehand. Returning to school can seem like an intimidating prospect, especially when you’re juggling childcare and other responsibilities. But with the right combination of planning and determination, nothing can stop you from accomplishing your goals! Today, Danielle Rivenbark shares some tips to help you get started.

The Ultimate Guide To Cost-Efficient Organization Strategies For Busy Parents

As a parent, you know how difficult it can be to stay organized. With all the things that come with raising a family, it’s no wonder why many parents feel overwhelmed and disorganized. But don’t worry. Today, Danielle Rivenbark shares this list of tips and tricks that are sure to help make your life a little easier.

The messages we tell ourselves

I’ve been noticing recently that the things I tell myself will drastically affect my mood. This doesn’t seem like a huge epiphany, but when you’re consuming things that make you feel “less than” or are made for you to feel outrage, this all contributes greatly to the narrative I tell myself. Noticing what I’m consuming makes a huge difference in how I feel about myself as a mom.

Simple Small Business Tips for Stay-at-Home-Moms

Stay-at-home moms usually have a lot on their plates as they work to take care of the kids while running a household. Taking care of everyone else’s needs before your own can become exhausting, however, which is why there has been a rise in “mompreneurs” in recent years. Starting your own business may sound like an overwhelming task, but there are plenty of helpful resources available online to help guide you every step of the way, and you’ll have the benefit of doing something you enjoy while making money.

The mask mandates might be coming to an end, but I don't think we're going back to school

We pulled our kids from public school in the fall of 2021 as a result of the masking requirements for kids and started our homeschool journey. There is a possibility that our local school district will be making the masks optional, but I don’t think I’ll send them back. In fact, I don’t think I’ll even let the next kiddo in line go to public school at all.

Finding Balance as a Work-at-Home Mother

Remote work is opening new doors for working mothers. Women with children are more likely to remain in the workforce when they have access to remote employment. Unlike traditional work arrangements that mandate on-site attendance during established business hours, remote work gives women the ability to balance earning an income and raising children — or at least, that’s how the story goes.

Little kids, little problems... big kids, big problems

When the pandemic first started, I had four kids under six at home with me. I had decided to pull them out of daycare temporarily, thinking that I could save money for a few months, especially since I was worried about a possible furlough. A few months of having them home turned into eight months…

We quietly started our homeschool journey

If you had told me seven years ago that I would be the one educating my kids from my dining room table, I would not have believed it. My husband and I both are the products of public school education. Parenting is hard enough and now it’s my responsibility to make sure they can grow up to be productive citizens?!?! I’m just coming out of the haze of having four kids in five years! No way I can do this! And yet here we are. Last week we quietly started our homeschool journey.

How to Design a Distraction-Free Workspace for Your Kids

Is homework clogging up your kitchen table, or is your kid’s violin practice becoming too much for your living room? Setting up a dedicated, distraction-free space for your kids to help get their work done has some major benefits for their education and your peace of mind. Whether it’s getting their science projects done or working on their latest musical masterpiece, here are a few ways you can set up a workspace of their very own:

Safe, Fun Outdoor Activities to Boost Your Child’s Health and Well-Being

There has never been a more critical time for kids to experience the outdoors. After a year and a half of unpredictable routines and limited outdoor play, Nature Deficit Disorder is in full swing. If you’re looking for practical ideas for activities your child can engage in outside the house, then you’ve come to the right place. Danielle Rivenbark has listed some simple yet significant tips for getting your child the safe, fun, and healthy activity they need!