Sometimes, it’s my family that gets the worst of me

We all know the rat race that we often call life: wake before the sun (and most importantly, wake the before the kids), shower make breakfast, get everyone dressed and fed, rush them out the door, inevitably forget something at home, drop them off, fly into work on two wheels (how late do I feel today? Just 5 minutes today? Success!!), turn the computer on and breathe.

Rejuvenating yourself when you feel like you're chained to your desk

I am often chained to my desk these days. After getting back from holiday break I have been full force for the last week throttled into the managing of all the events coming down the track in the first quarter. I am that quintessential duck on the pond. I may look like I’m handling it, but in reality I’m paddling like mad just to stay afloat. Now, let me be clear, no one has actually chained me to my desk, and no one is making me sit at my computer all day cranking out emails and spreadsheets. This act is completely self-inflicted because well… stuff just needs to get done.

What you should always ask when you book your event location

We had the unfortunate situation of having to reschedule a number of events due to Hurricane Florence. When you’re working on rescheduling an event you’re at the mercy of whatever is available at the hotel and you squeeze into whatever space is possible. That’s exactly what we did, and it worked! Overall, we had what the space we needed and the event was successful. The one thing I didn’t ask (that you always should) is what other events are going on in the hotel that I should know about.

Knowing your values can help you make the most of your time as a busy mom

I write often about the difficulties of trying to have it all… or at least look like I have it all. The work-life juggle (as I call it) is just that… a juggle. Because time is finite. There is no “making the pie bigger” as you often can when you negotiate something. Unless someone has access to a time machine? And if so, I’m in and I will pay you! Time is a scarce resource and making the most of every moment and opportunity can become a lot of pressure. Every busy mom knows that there will always be competing priorities. Sometimes you have to choose between your kids’ party at school and that conference call with a client. Or between meeting that work deadline and laying in bed with your kid at night. At the end of the day, you’re only one person with 24 hours. So what’s a busy mom to do?

Starting your event at the right time can lead to less stress

Earlier this month we hosted my son’s fourth birthday. Besides the fact that I cried inside that my son is already four, everything went well. One of my girlfriends even commented about how relaxed I seemed this time. She would know. She has never missed my kids’ birthday parties. So it made me think, why was this time different than all the other times? There were a few factors, but the major one I landed on was the start time.

How I'm using my own #MeToo experience to parent my children

Like so many other people in the world I have a #MeToo story. Only three people know about the details of my encounter, the man that assaulted me, an ex-boyfriend, and most recently, my husband. Why has it taken me so long to speak out? Like many others, I have felt so much shame about what happened to me.

Close the deal - Say thank you with some pizzazz

I had an event that I needed hotel space for, so I put it out to bid. We went through the typical process of reviewing the proposals and completed site tours. After our site tour with a particular hotel I received an email thanking me for my visit. These emails are typical from our sales partners, but this one struck me as creative and fun, which was definitely something to remember.